Describe Gladys’ idea of an ideal man. Do you think Gladys was selfish in her aspirations? Gladys’ ideal man would be a harder, sterner man, not so ready to adapt himself to a silly girl’s whim. Above all, he must be a man who could do, who could act, who could look death in the face and have no fear of him, a man of great deeds and strange experiences. It would not be a man whom she loved, but always the glories he had won, for they would be reflected upon her. She was very fascinated with heroism. She wanted some like Richard Burton or like the young Frenchman who went up in a balloon. She also expected someone really brave and humble; who could go down and help the victims of Wigan coal explosion. These ideas speak of Gladys ‘selfishness. What task does Mr. McArdle assign Malone and why? Malone asks his boss, McArdle, to send him on a mission preferably one that would have adventure and danger in it. McArdle suggests that Malone expose Professor Challenger of Enmore Park. P...