Computer : Ch.1 Computer Networks - Notebook work(Notes)
Ch : 1
Computer Networks
Computer Network
A computer network is a system of interconnected computers and other devices that help us communicate, share resources and transfer information from one computer to another.
Types of network
Area Network (LAN)
o LAN is a Local Area Network.
o LAN covers a small area confined to one building or within close proximity.
Area Network (MAN)
o MAN is a computer network that is larger than LAN.
o It can cover an entire city or even a large campus connecting computers across buildings far from each other.
o Examples: Cable television network or telephone company network.
· Wide Area Network (WAN)
o It is a network that extends over a large geographical area.
o It is often created by joining several LANs together.
o They are linked by optical fiber cables, satellite radio links and microwave radio links.
Area Network (PAN)
o It is a computer network organized around an individual person and is set up for personal use only.
o It typically involve a computers, phones, printers and tablets.
o Devices can be wired using USB cables or they can be connected without wires, using Bluetooth.
Area Network (CAN)
o It uses a completely message-based protocol and is specially designed for high-speed in-vehicle communication.
o It allows communication between microcontrollers and different types of devices in real-time.
o It is used mainly in automotive and industrial environments.
o It can also be used in lifts, escalators and automatic doors.
Network Protocol:
A protocol is a set of rules and connections that governs all aspects of
communication between computers in a network.
Protocols define the standard methods of information transfer and
processing for computers on a network to communicate with each other.
Types of Networking Protocol
• HTTP : It is a standard format to display a HTML page over the web.
• FTP : It is used for file transfer over the internet.
• TCP/IP : TCP and IP are two different protocols that are often linked together.
• Mail Protocol
• SMTP : It is used when a mail is sent from an email client to an email server.
• POP3 : It is used for receiving mails.
• IMAP : It is used to store email messages on a mail server and download them.
When the hub receives a message for a particular computer, it sends it to every other computer on the network. Therefore, hub-based networks are not very safe.
A switch functions like a hub but it is smarter. When it receives a message, it checks who it is meant for and sends it to only the specific computer that should receive it. Therefore, networks that use switches are more secure.
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